Give me magic, gadgets, monsters, zombies, everything that seems impossible, and throw in some tough chicks with swords. That's the stuff.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Deadlines, T-Shirts, Writing, and New Books
Yep - I am in deadline hell. OK, so part of it are my own personal ones, but those are worse because I really want to finish them. So today I put on my deadline shirt (see right, another awesome acquisition from the fine folks at and I'm steadily making progress. I can tell that I'm not in overload yet, snarky humor still intact. You know I'm trying to kick deadline ass when the Wonder Woman shirt comes out.

But now it's break time, so I can check another item off my to-do list and actually write a blog post.

I have shared my love of t-shirts here before (the She-Ra shirt is still on my list), but I keep finding new ones! Like this beauty:

Evil-looking unicorns, robots, rainbows - I MUST HAVE!

I should know by now that venturing into ThinkGeek space is dangerous for the wallet, but I guess I am a slow learner in this regard.

I also signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo (I just love the word count widgets - they help keep me on track). I also like the whole goal thing - I know, it's just another deadline, but that's how my life is. It helps me power through any blocks I might have. So far I am behind, but that will change tomorrow.

Today a whole bunch of books I want to read were released to the world, overfilling my already overfilled TBR list - not that I'm complaining, it just doesn't go well with the whole "get out of deadline hell" plan I have going. Dead Iron by Devon Monk, My Life as A White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland, Hammered by Kevin Hearne (this is a double whammy cause I need to read Hexed, too), Sirensong by Jenna Black, as well as the other June and early July releases such as Heartless by Gail Carriger, Brightest Kind of Darkness by PT Michelle, Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter. It is an excellent summer for the reader in me.

Well, break time is over. Once more into the breach and all that. Hope you are keeping cool and reading great books!


  1. My favorite t-shirts are soft cotton, usually men's medium, wearable everywhere. I live in t-shirts.

  2. I hear ya - comfy, breathable, and in my case, a snarky or obscure phrase or photo works too. :) Love 'em.
